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Started on July 27, 2024


Reiki (pronounced as ray – key) is a laying – on hands healing technique thousands of years old. It is very simple yet very powerful technique that can be easily learned by anyone.

The word Reiki comes from two Japanese words “Rei & Ki”. “Rei” means Universal and “Ki” is the life force. It is also called the vital life force or the Universal life force.

Reiki can be defined as spiritually guided Life Force Energy. Reiki is a special kind of Life Force that can only be channeled by someone who is attuned to it.

Life Force plays an important role in everything we do. It animates the body and also is the primary energy of our emotions, thoughts and spiritual life.

Reiki is the ultimate way to self – healing; self – realizing; and to balance one’s life accordingly with the Grace of the Universe

Reiki is taught in Five different levels:

Reiki – Level I

Introduction to Reiki History of Reiki Understanding Universal levels and energies Reiki Principles Explanation of chakras Chakra meditation Hand positions for self healing Attunement of Level I

Reiki – Level II

Introduction of Three Reiki Symbols Uses of symbols Distance healing Scan/Heal Chakras Cleansing – self, others & surroundings Beaming Attunement of Level II

Reiki – Level III A

Introduction of The Usui Master Symbol Reiki Moving Meditation Reiki Meditation – Manifesting Goals The Reiki Grid Psychic Surgery Contracting the Hui Yin Attunement of Level III A

Reiki – Level III B

Introduction of two Tibetan symbols Reiki III B Meditation with 6 Symbols Detail explanation of all symbols Violet Breath The Healing Attunement The Attunement Processes of all Levels Attunement of Level III B

Reiki – Grandmaster Level

Usui Reiki Lineage

Reiki and the Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism 40 Breaths Meditation Grounding Exercise and Healing the Earth Brain Balancing More than 60 powerful symbols and their uses Different Healing Techniques Distant Psychic Surgery and Cleansing Working with Ascended Masters, Guides and Angels Reiki Grandmaster Attunement