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About Mrs. Shanti Malla

Q1 How did your spiritual journey start?

My spiritual journey started in my childhood itself. I was very young when I had an inclination towards listening to various discourses and I became a part of few mission groups. Since childhood, I used to see everyone’s aura or the energy field. I could scan the character of a person, their qualities, their struggles, etc. only by reading their aura. It was only after learning Reiki; I got the understanding of my spiritual abilities. The things I used to see were actually because of my clairvoyance which I inherited by birth. After that there was no looking back. I learnt various courses to develop myself spiritually, so that I can use my powers in helping people through healing and counselling, and also to spread the awareness of spiritualism and healing in humanity.

Q2 What inspired you to practice healing?

After Reiki I realised that God has created each of us with special powers, which we aren’t aware of. We keep talking about the various problems in our life which are actually because of our own past karmas from past lives. But God is really great. On one hand he gives us the problems, but on the other hand, he has also given us the powers to overcome them. The struggle of our life is our teaching. It is there to teach us a lesson in life. But if we don’t understand it, it keeps repeating. By healing I help people understand their lessons in life, their aim of taking this birth and also try to motivate them towards spiritualism.

Q3. Tell us about the healing techniques you practice?

Various techniques I use are Reiki, Magnified healing, psychic healing, channelling, counselling, reading through various arts of divination tools, such as Tarot card reading, coffee cup reading, i-ching etc..

Q4. Can you elaborate on Lama Fera, Violet Flame, Merlin Trinity, Yog Maya and Melchizedek Method. Are these courses practiced widely in India?

Lama Fera is an energy healing system that has been practiced over the centuries in the Buddhist monasteries over the Himalayas. It is emanated by Lord Buddha. He redeemed the

people from their sorrows and diseases. It is used there for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing.

Yogmaya is a combination of all deities, guru’s energy or universal 9 planets and 5 elements energy and 5 koshas. According to mythology Yogmaya is called “Devi”. It’s a very simple meditation process to heal past karmas, sorrows and diseases. It is a high frequency gaining process to gain success in spiritualism and astral science powers.

The Violet flame (also called as the Violet Fire) is a unique high frequency spiritual energy that resides in your higher self, and that can help you in all areas of your life. Buddha was the keeper of the Violet Fire on the earth for several years before he passed it on to Mother Kwanyin. She then passed it on to Saint Germain in 1954. When we invoke it, transmutation goes on at all the levels of our being, i.e. it transmutes the karma and traumas of our present and past lives recorded in our Physical, Astral (Emotional), Mental, and Etheric bodies.

Merlin Trinity Healing System. It is a system of healing that uses the power of love and light to heal the body on a physical, emotional and mental level. The whole system consists of three levels and was channelled (accessed from a higher reality) into existence by Anup Karlsson.

Melchizedek is a highly advance technique working with our Christ consciousness. It works at the cellular level for the activation of our DNA structure and thus can be instrumental in changing our life design completely depending upon our level of understanding and practice. People have actually changed their life scripts as a result of karmic healing done by Melchizedek.

Melchizedek method was originated by Alton Kamadon in the guidance of Lord Thoth.

Personal Healing Experience

I am healing people with various different problems for last many years. Problems of all levels, such as physical, mental, emotional, psychological, career related, finances etc. gets healed permanently. A few miraculous cases I have healed are removal of gall bladder stones through psychic healing, organ transplants of permanent organ failure. Transplants I have done are lung transplant, liver transplant, bicep muscle transplants.

Q5. Is it possible to take healing as a career.

Yes, it is possible to take healing as a career. Healing and Spiritualism are not just the meditation techniques to be practiced by self by sitting for hours. But the path for healing and meditation is made very easy through the various healing courses. Once you learn different techniques, one can very easily teach and heal others. They can run their own institutes. Apart from healing, different courses such as Vastu Shastra & Feng Shui, Acupressure & Acupuncture, Panch Karma massage, Tarot Reading, Astrology, etc can also be taken up as professional careers.

Q6. What are the challenges involved while practicing healing?.

The biggest challenge we face is rejection from the people who are new to this energy field. To make them understand, we counsel them; give them presentations of healing, clear their doubts and confusions.

Q7. You practices so many forms of healing. How did you manage so much in such small time?

Practicing all forms of healing together is not a problem at all because the base of all healing techniques is meditation. Healing is the by-product of the meditation. With regular meditation, healing automatically happens. The concept of all the various courses is same. The only difference is in there application process. So with regular meditation practicing any technique at any time is easy.

Q8. What kind of sadhna is needed to practice these forms of healing?

For healing, we need regular meditation of about 2 to 3 hours daily, early morning breathing exercises, concentrate over breath, and diet management with a healthy diet. One should always remain stress free, enjoy, and should have unconditional love for everyone.

Q9. What skills do you require to qualify for a healer?

To become a good healer, firstly we should have a good command over healing techniques. A regular meditation and diet control is required for a good healer. Also to master the skills, one should also learn about the body mechanism, basic anatomy and physiology which help in a better understanding of any physical problem.

Q10. How did Atma Jagriti happen?

When I mastered the skills of healing and meditation, I realised that we all are connected to Universal Conscious level. This level is a collective consciousness state. This all relates to our past lives, miseries, pains, sufferings, good healing modality, power, and bliss which helps us to communicate with God. This makes our life plans easy, but our insecurities and emotional blockages disconnect us from the universal levels. God always gives us messages through our inner guidance and different mediums, such as books, symbolism of nature, etc but we ignore them. When we go to Trans level, we accept everything but as soon we come back, we forget everything. With regular meditations we understand the bliss and happiness to make life simple and easy. Each one of us has got these hidden abilities of converting our negative energy into positive through our powers, intentions, emotions, & senses. To spread this knowledge, I started an institute called Atma Jagriti, research, training and healing foundation. As the name says, Atma means Soul and Jagriti means awakening, so the main aim of this institute is soul awakening. Also we do regular research and training on the existing courses and the new courses to enhance our skills and make the teaching patterns as simple as we can for beginners to understand.

Q11. What are the activities you personally do at Atma Jagriti?

Various techniques I use are Reiki, Magnified healing, psychic healing, channelling, counselling, reading through various arts of divination tools, such as Tarot card reading, coffee cup reading, i-ching etc..

Q12. How can women take this up as a career?

Yes, it is possible to take healing as a career. Healing and Spiritualism are not just the meditation techniques to be practiced by self by sitting for hours. But the path for healing and meditation is made very easy through the various healing courses. Once you learn different techniques, one can very easily teach and heal others. They can run their own institutes. Apart from healing, different courses such as Vastu Shastra & Feng Shui, Acupressure & Acupuncture, Panch Karma massage, Tarot Reading, Astrology, etc can also be taken up as professional careers.

Q13. How do you balance your home and profession?

Balancing home and work is not a problem. With regular morning exercises, meditation and above all living in presence of mind gives me a lot of energy, strength, power, will to be unconditional. This energy helps me to manage everything.

Q14. Is this career lucrative? If so , in anyway

In monetary terms, this career is well paid. As a professional, one earns handsomely just like an MBA, or a medical practitioner.

Q15. What is your advice for a beginner?

My advice for beginners would be to have trust in self. Self trusting would help them make other trust in them. Secondly, regular meditation with devotion and practice of healing therapies would give them fruitful results in life.

Q16. What is your mantra in life?

Keeping good thoughts, feelings and intentions is the key mantra to life, and then the pure energy follows you automatically.

Q17. Who is your inspiration and role model?

My role model rather models since childhood are Mother Kwanyin, goddess of mercy and Mother Teresa. Mother Kwanyin channelled me for many years and protected me but I recognised her only after doing Magnified Healing. Mother Kwanyin helps in the ascension of all humanity and the earth. Mother Teresa’s unconditional love for everyone became my inspiration to help people in need unconditionally. Because I believe that the cosmos will work for you if you are working for humanity. You will get help at every step of life to complete your responsibilities.

Q18. What is your advise to women, who are struggling to make an identity for themselves?

My advice for today’s women would be to have trust in self. Living in past creates emotional problems and living in future gives anxiety, so each women should live in present. Belief in one’s thoughts and inner guidance develops the individuality in each person.

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