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Healing is a multi dimensional world. A healthy person is the owner of the healthy body, a sound emotional state and a peaceful mind. Whenever, a person deviates from this state, the physical body manifests it as a disease.

In traditional medicines (like allopath, etc.), the medicine is given based on the symptoms. No one bothers about the root cause. As a result, the person is not completely healed, only the symptoms subside.

With the help of alternative healing along with the traditional medicines, we can eliminate the root cause of the disease bringing the person back to the state of health.

At Atma Jagriti Center, various alternative healing methods are taught and practiced. Since 1997, it has been constantly helping people to restore back to a healthy state.

A number of comprehensive Training courses have been devised for the development of Physical, Mental & Spiritual Awareness.



Reiki (pronounced as ray – key) is a laying – on hands healing technique thousands of years old. It is very simple yet very powerful technique that can be easily learned by anyone.
Reiki (pronounced as ray – key) is a laying – on hands healing technique thousands of years old. It is very simple yet very powerful technique that can be easily learned by anyone.


karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is translated to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated.
karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is translated to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated.


An Ancient Healing Modality was introduced to Earth in 1983. Previously, this healing was used only in higher dimensions by Ascended Masters to assist themselves, the Masters on Earth.
An Ancient Healing Modality was introduced to Earth in 1983. Previously, this healing was used only in higher dimensions by Ascended Masters to assist themselves, the Masters on Earth.


The eternal light is the invisible potential energy; Maya is kinetic energy, the force of action of the lord. They are inseparable like fire and heat. Maya is the supernatural.
The eternal light is the invisible potential energy; Maya is kinetic energy, the force of action of the lord. They are inseparable like fire and heat. Maya is the supernatural.


The Violet flame (also called as the Violet Fire) is a unique high frequency spiritual energy that resides in your higher self, and that can help you in all areas of.
The Violet flame (also called as the Violet Fire) is a unique high frequency spiritual energy that resides in your higher self, and that can help you in all areas of.


Lama Fera is an energy healing system that has been practiced over the centuries in the Buddhist monasteries over the Himalayas. It is emanated by Lord Buddha.
Lama Fera is an energy healing system that has been practiced over the centuries in the Buddhist monasteries over the Himalayas. It is emanated by Lord Buddha.


MTHS stands for Merlin Trinity Healing System. It is a system of healing that uses the power of love and light to heal the body on a physical, emotional and mental level.
MTHS stands for Merlin Trinity Healing System. It is a system of healing that uses the power of love and light to heal the body on a physical, emotional and mental level.


Vastu is an ancient Indian science of architecture and buildings which helps in making a congenial setting for a place to live in and work.
Vastu is an ancient Indian science of architecture and buildings which helps in making a congenial setting for a place to live in and work.

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From The Master herself :
Counseling regarding Education, Occupation, Health etc.
Also the Master provides Child Counseling for various children problems and Health issues.

Note : Please take prior appointments for consultation and healing sessions.

Meditation :
We gather at Atma Jagriti on 15th and 30th of every month for Meditation Sessions. In every session, we have Lectures and Discourses on Cosmic Guidance along with Meditation.

These sessions help each soul in their development and self-growth in all spheres of life.

Join us for a better living

Healing Therapies are a complete study to cure, balance and heal Everyone on each level of life.

Diving Energies flows through you to help mankind for creating a heaven on this world.

your can cure the incurable diseases.



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